3. Moving Clients to Different Units Without Exiting

ShelterPoint - Moving clients to different Units and Beds

1. From the Unit List click on a client name that you want to move to a different unit. 

2. From the top of the pop up box, click Assign Unit 

3. Highlight the Unit and Bed where you want the client to move to

4. Click Select

The client is now assigned to a different Unit and Bed

5. Scroll down to the list of household members and repeat process for each person

6. Scroll down and click Save & Exit. This returns you to the Unit List where the clients are now assigned to different Units and Beds. 

7. If the Unit has more beds then clients assigned to it, click on Hold for the extra bed(s) and they will not appear on the Unit and Bed list when clicking on Assign Unit

8. To open the bed up, click on HELD and the bed will appear on the Assign Unit list again. 

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