HMIS PIT-HIC Persons Served Report: ES-SH-TH
This report is intended for HMIS-participating Emergency Shelter (ES), Transitional Housing (TH), and Safe Haven (SH) projects to run as part of the PIT Process. This report shows clients served on the night of the PIT and allows projects to check data quality as well as viewing aggregate data.
Running the Report
Report Path
> Public Folder
> casper_live_folder
> 2025 PIT HIC
> PIT-HIC Persons Served Report: ES-SH-TH Report
Recommended Export Format
Schedule to Microsoft Excel - Reports
Setting the Prompts
Prompt | Instructions |
Select Provider(s): | Select the project(s) for which you wish to run the report. Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Select Reporting Group" prompt must be left to "none selected" or left incomplete (blank). |
Select CoC(s): | This prompt is for use by ICA System Administrators only. Leave blank or set to "none selected." |
Select Reporting Group(s): | Select the reporting group(s) for which you wish to run the report. Note: If this prompt is completed, the "Select Provider(s):" prompt must be left incomplete (blank). |
EDA Provider | If only one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt above, select the same project here. If more than one project is selected in the "Select Provider(s):" prompt or if a reporting group has been selected in "Select Reporting Group:" prompt, then select one of the projects within the selected projects or reporting group. |
Enter effective date | This prompt will default to the day after the PIT. Leave as is. |
Enter PIT Date PLUS 1 Day: | This prompt will default to the day after the PIT. Leave as is. |
Select Project Type(s): | This has been set to the program types included in the federal PIT reports. It should not be changed unless advised by an ICA team member. |
Using the Report
This report has six tabs, each serving a specific purpose. We recommend you start with the Client Detail tab, then the Disability Detail tab, check for data quality issues and resolve them in Community Services if needed, then go to the three PIT Summary tabs to view overall data.
PIT Summary
The summary tab shows overall aggregate data for persons served on the night of the PIT. After you've checked data quality on the Client Detail and Disability Detail tabs, check this tab to see your overall PIT count data. If the data does not match your expectations, go back to the detail tabs to double check the underlying data.
Household Type | Definition |
Adult Only | All household members are age 18 or older |
Adult & Child | At least one household member is age 18 or older and at least one household member is under age 18 |
Child Only | All household members are under age 18 |
Total Persons | All household types |
The data is broken out into several demographic categories: number of persons served by age, gender, ethnicity, race, chronic homelessness status, and chronic homelessness status by race. PIT Additional Subpopulations are then shown.
The section 'Total Number of Persons NOT in HH Types Listed Above' should be 0. If it is not 0, check the detail tabs for clients without an age.
PIT Summary - Veterans
The summary tab shows the same demographic aggregate data as the PIT Summary tab, but only for veteran households served on the night of the PIT. Veteran households are only separated into two household types: Adults Only and Adult & Child.
PIT Summary - Youth
The summary tab shows the same demographic aggregate data as the PIT Summary tab, but only for youth households served on the night of the PIT. Unaccompanied Youth are households where all household members are under age 25. Parenting Youth households contain members all under age 25 where there is a parent-child relationship.
Client Detail
This tab shows data for all clients with an entry to the selected project(s) on the night of the PIT. Use this tab for Data Quality checking. This tab shows all clients, regardless of their Client Location (CoC).
Column | Definition | DQ Flags and How to Correct Them |
HH Group # | Group ID if enrolled as a group, Entry Exit ID if enrolled individually, and the number of HHs groups included in the report. | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens |
Household Type Description | Household Type, determined by the ages of the clients in the household. | Missing Age if client is missing date of birth Check data entry: add client's date of birth Unaccompanied Child/Children if household type is Unaccompanied Child/ChildrenCheck program requirements: This is a warning since many programs are not able to serve unaccompanied children. If your project can serve Unaccompanied Children, this warning is fine. If your program is not allowed to serve unaccompanied children, check data entry so that unaccompanied children are properly enrolled in households with adults or that the clients' ages are correct. |
Unique ID | Client's Unique ID | This is Personally Identifying Information - do not share this. |
Client First Name | Client First Name | This is Personally Identifying Information - do not share this. |
Client Last Name | Client Last Name | This is Personally Identifying Information - do not share this. |
Client ID # | Client's Community Services ID and the number of Client IDs in the report. | n/a |
Age | Age | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens Null if data is missingCheck data entry: add date of birth Highlighted text if client is a child and also marked a veteranCheck data entry: children cannot be veterans |
Gender | Client's Gender | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens Null if data is missingCheck data entry: add date of birth Highlighted text if the gender is not one of HUD's specified optionsCheck data entry: update gender to a HUD option Red text if response is Data Not Collected/Client Refused/Client doesn't knowCheck data entry: add response, if possible |
Race and Ethnicity | Race and Ethnicity | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens Null if data is missingCheck data entry: add date of birth Highlighted text if the response is not one of HUD's specified optionsCheck data entry: update primary race to a HUD option Red text if response is Data Not Collected/Client Refused/Client doesn't knowCheck data entry: add response, if possible |
Additional Race and Ethnicity | Additional Race and Ethnicity | |
HoH Relate | Relationship to Head of Household (taken from the Entry assessment, NOT the Households tab) | Null if data is missing Check data entry: relationship to head of household Highlighted text if there is either no head of household in the group or more than one individual marked as head of household in the groupCheck data entry: ensure one and only one head of household per group |
Vet | Client's veteran status | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens Null if data is missingCheck data entry: add veteran status |
DV | If the client is a victim/survivor of domestic violence | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens |
DV Fleeing | If the client is currently fleeing domestic violence | Note: for clients to count as DV for Homeless Subpopulations, this question must be yes. |
Chronic | 'X' if the client meets the criteria for chronically homeless and client is enrolled in Emergency Shelter or Safe Haven | n/a |
Chronic Household | 'X' if someone in the household meets the criteria for chronically homeless and the household is enrolled in Emergency Shelter or Safe Haven | n/a |
Youth | Indicates "UY" if client is part of an Unaccompanied Youth household (everyone under age 25) or "PY" if client is part of a Parenting Youth household (everyone under age 25 and there is a parent/child relationship). | n/a |
Location Filter | 'X' if the Enrollment CoC matches the provider's CoC for the head of household | Excluded if the Enrollment (CoC) does NOT match the CoC of the provider for the head of household or there is no head of household Check data entry: ensure there is one head of household per entry group and that the Enrollment (CoC) matches the CoC of the provider Note: Only clients with an X are included in the summary count and submitted for PIT data. |
Enrollment CoC | Enrollment CoC | Red text if clients in the household have different Enrollment CoC responses Check data entry: ensure all household members have same Enrollment (CoC) responses |
Provider | Entry Exit Provider | n/a |
Entry Date | Entry Date | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens |
Proj Type | Project Type of the Entry Exit Provider | Red text if client is <17 and enrolled in a Safe Haven Check data entry: minors cannot be served by Safe Havens |
Disability Detail
This tab shows data for all clients with an entry to the selected project(s) on the night of the PIT, focused on the disability information. This information is used for the 'Additional Population' section of the PIT (shown on the PIT Summary tab). Use this tab for Data Quality checking to make sure the correct clients are being counted in the PIT count.
Column | Definition | DQ Flags and How to Correct Them |
Client ID # | Client's Community Services ID and the number of Client IDs in the report. | n/a |
Unique ID # | Client's Unique ID and the number of Client Unique IDs in the report. | This is Personally Identifying Information - do not share this. |
Age | Age | n/a |
Disab YN | The 'Does the client have a disabling condition' question. | N if 'Does the client have a disabling condition?' = No, but they have a disability where the determination = Yes Update so the main disabling condition questions matches the data in the special needs subassessment |
Disability | Disability Type | n/a |
Long Duration | For all disability types except HIV/AIDS and Developmental, the question 'If yes, expected to be of long-continued and indefinite duration and substantially impairs ability to live independently?' | Note: this question must be yes for a disability to count as a disabling condition for chronic homelessness and for the Homeless Subpopulations |
Disab Start | Start date associated with the subassessment record | n/a |
Disab End | End date associated with the subassessment record | n/a |
Provider | Entry Exit Provider | n/a |
Proj Type | Project Type of the Entry Exit Provider | n/a |
Location Filter | 'X' if the Enrollment CoC matches the provider's CoC for the head of household | Excluded if the Enrollment (CoC) does NOT match the CoC of the provider for the head of household or there is no head of household Check data entry: ensure there is one head of household per entry group and that the Enrollment (CoC) matches the CoC of the provider Note: Only clients with an X are included in the summary count and submitted for PIT data. |
CoC | Enrollment CoC | Red text if clients in the household have different Enrollment CoC responses Check data entry: ensure all household members have same Enrollment (CoC) responses |
Additional Information
This tab contains information about the report that can be utilized by ICA staff to determine whether the report was run properly by the user. If you seek assistance with this report from the ICA Wyoming Helpdesk, please be prepared to read/send information off of this tab to the individual who assists you.
Training Resources
Please see below for the recorded training that reviews how to use this report.
Need Assistance?
If you need assistance running the report, understanding the information in the report, or troubleshooting potential errors, please reach out to the ICA Wyoming Helpdesk. Include the name and date of the BusinessObjects report as it appears in your BI Inbox in your request for assistance. Do not attach the report to any emails going to the helpdesk as the report contains personally identifying information and cannot be transmitted unless encrypted.
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