PATH Report Workaround for 2023
The PATH Annual Report that is currently available in our HMIS has not yet been updated for FY24 Data Standards and the most recent specifications.
HUD and SAMSHA have partnered with the Data Lab to create a workaround tool for projects to be able to produce data to submit to PDX.
In coordination with DMH, we have determined the following process for you to complete this process.
1. Run the Hashed CSV from HMIS
- In Community Services, go to the Reports page, and then click on the Hashed HMIS CSV
Click Start New Export
In the prompts, give it a meaningful Name (1)
- this could be "Project A PATH"
Select all relevant Entry Data Types (2)
- Only PATH should be needed if that is what you select for your entries, but it doesn't hurt to click all the entry types
- Select Provider or Reporting Group (3) and (4)
- Most, if not all, providers have two HMIS projects so you would use the Reporting Group option that includes both of the providers.
- Enter the Start Date (5) and End Date (6)
- Report Period for PATH report: 7/1/2022 - 6/30/2023
- Download the file. Make sure it's a zip file
2. Use the PATH Report Generator to convert the Hashed CSV into the PATH report
- Go to this website:
- Upload the csv file you just downloaded from HMIS using the browse button
- Set some parameters:
- Organization (Note: our system only runs the Hashed CSV for a provider or reporting group, so this likely will only have one option)
- Report End Date: this should be 6/30/2023
- Report Start Date: this should be 7/1/2022
- Click the Download PATH Report button (this is a long blue horizontal button across the whole screen)
- This will download a csv zip file.
3. Upload new PATH report into PDX
Using the csv file you downloaded from the PATH Report Generator, upload your file to PDX as you usually do.