4. Correcting Data: Name, SSN, or Date of Birth Errors
Some errors are more complicated than simply answering a missing data element. The following sections provide instructions to fix these errors.
- Name DQ Error
- SSN DQ Error
- Date of Birth Error
Name Data Quality Error
To avoid duplicate client record creation, a full first and last name should be recorded whenever possible. If you have a full first and last name, make sure the client record is updated and the Name Data Quality field changed to, “ Full name reported.”
- Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.
- Backdate to the Project Start Date of the client’s first enrollment in your program.
- Search for and enter the client record
- Navigate to the Client Profile tab.
- Navigate to the Client Profile tab.
- Click the edit pencil next to Client Record.
- Update name and name data quality elements.
- Click Save.
If you are only able to obtain a partial, street name, or code name, leave as is.
SSN Data Quality Error
If you have a SSN DQ error, the social security number in the client’s record is considered invalid. For example, a “999-99-9999” is flagged as invalid. To resolve, review the entered SSN on the Client Profile tab.
- Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.
- Search for and enter the client record.
- Backdate to the Project Start Date of the client’s first enrollment in your program.
- Navigate to the Client Profile tab.
- Click the edit pencil next to Client Record.
- Update the SSN field, and corresponding SSN Data Quality field as needed.
- Click Save.
Date of Birth (DOB) Error
If you’ve checked the client record and the Date of Birth (DOB) isn’t missing, something else is going on! A DOB error is commonly caused by a client’s Project Start Date occurring before the client’s DOB. If you have confirmed the client’s DOB is accurate, you will need to correct the Project Start Date.
- Enter EDA to the correct provider and open the Head of Household's record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
- Navigate to the Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date to open the Entry Assessment. Click on Save & Continue in the first pop-up.
- At the top of the " Entry/Exit Data" window, click the edit pencil for the client who has the DOB error.
- In the “ Edit Project Start Date” pop-up window, uncheck all clients except the client with the DOB error.
- Change the Project Start Date to the date the client joined, then click Save & Continue.
- The client’s Project Start Date should either match their DOB or be after their DOB.
- Save & Continue
- Confirm that Entry Assessment data for the client is correct, then click Save & Exit.