11. Correcting Data: Exit Destination Error
You are required to answer this question immediately upon creating an Exit Record for a client. This will only appear as an error if the response was “Client Doesn’t Know,” “Client Refused,” “Data Not Collected,” or “No Exit Interview Complete”. If you have an updated answer, use this as an opportunity to fix it, otherwise you can ignore this error message.
Follow these steps to update the client’s Destination.
- Enter EDA mode to the correct project provider.
- Back Date to the date the client exited.
- Search for and enter the client record
- In the Entry/Exit tab
- Click on the edit pencil to the left of the Exit Date to open the Edit Exit Data pop-up window.
- Verify a check mark is by each household member who exited the project.
- Update the Destination.
- Click on Save & Continue in the first pop-up.
- Scroll to the bottom of the Exit Assessment and click on Exit.