5. Correcting Data: Relationship to Head of Household Errors

If you’ve checked the client record from the Households Tab and on the Entry Assessment and the Relationship to Head of Household isn’t missing, then this error is most likely the result of a child/non-head of household member not being correctly connected to a Head of Household’s Entry/Exit record (or Shelter Stay, if using the Shelters module). If a child/non-head of household member is not attached their Head of Household’s Entry/Exit record in the system, you need to fix this!

  1. EDA to the correct provider and enter the client record. (Note: You do not need to be in back date mode when correcting this error.)
  2. Click on the Household tab and insure there is only one Head of Household with a Yes response.  
    1. If there is more than one Head of Household with a Yes response:
      1. click on Manage Household 
      2. Change Yes responses so only one adult has a Yes response. 
      3. Save & Exit.
  3. Navigate to the Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil to the left of the Project Start Date to open the Entry Assessment. Click on Save & Continue in the first pop-up.
  4. Click on each client in the household to determine the response for each person.  
  5. If more than one person or a child (17 or under) is listed as head of household, change the response for the person(s) who are not the head of household. 
  6. The head of household listed in the assessment should match the person listed as head of household on the Households Tab. 

Another possible reason for error is that the child/non-head of household member did not have an Exit Date recorded to the Entry/Exit record associated with the Head of Household.

  1. EDA to the correct provider and enter the client record.
  2. Navigate to the Entry/Exit tab, click on the edit pencil to the left of the Exit Date to open the Exit Assessment. 
  3. Select the household members that need to be exited 
  4. Click on Save & Continue. Click Save & Exit at the bottom of the assessment. 

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